Printing a portfolio is one step every photographer will do at some point in their career no matter what genre they shoot in. So with that being said, I want to share with you a deeper dive into the process behind printing a portfolio. Tough topics like layout, choosing good portfolio printers (not just the…
Food Photography Tips
The Complete Photography Bundle 2019 It’s Time To Make Stunning Images!
Buy The Photography Bundle 5DayDeal is bringing us The Complete Photography Bundle 2019 packed full of 26 courses, e-books and editing software to help you master your photography. I’m proud to say I’m a contributor with my Lightroom For Food Photographers Course! And on top of that you’ll be able to snatch up this whole…
7 Must Have Food Photography Props
Your food is beautiful. The recipe crafted to perfection. The light, softly coming into the frame of your camera and on to your food photography backdrop. Now it’s time to create that style, the environment. Here are 7 must have food photography props that will make the food in your photography pop off the screen.By…
5 Tips To Crush a Food Styling Time Lapse
Creating a simple food styling time lapse is simple and from my experience clients love to share them. I love to share them as well and I always get a lot of love when I post them. In the video above I break down the process for you and I believe you’ll find it easier…
Best Camera For Food Photography
Choosing the best camera for food photography or any type of photography for that matter is sort of equated to those choose your own adventure books from back in the day. You walk up to the counter faced with so many choices, which all seem very similar, coupled with the fear that any decision you…
The Best Lens For Food Photography
If you are just starting your food photography journey and looking to buy the best lens for food photography so you can make even more juicy images, I recommend giving the Canon 100mm f2.8L Macro Lens or equivalent some attention.